This post is all about how to DIY a Vintage Mirror
Here’s Exactly How to DIY a Vintage Mirror
We have all seen the vintage mirror trend, it’s everywhere! …Instagram, Pinterest, everywhere! And also, we have seen how expensive they can be, I’m talking $500+ for a floor mirror. So, here I will show you the exact steps of this Ikea hack for a DIY vintage mirror everyone will love!
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Here’s Exactly How to DIY a Vintage Mirror
Materials you will need:
1. Corner Wood Applique’s: These are the exact ones I got from Amazon
2. Main Wood Applique: This is the exact one I got from Amazon
3. Foam Brushes
4. Antique Gold Rub’n Buff Wax
And from Home Depot you will need:
5. Wood Glue
6. Spray Paint
7. Sandpaper
8. Clamps
9. Saw/Hack Saw/Tooth Saw
10. Most Importantly, Wooden Moldings
11. Wood Putty
12. Painters Tape
13. Nails
And last but not least you will need:
14. a Mirror (In my case I used one that I already had, but you can use the Ikea Nissedal Mirror as your base)
Now, here are the exact steps you will need to do to recreate the french vintage mirror look with an Ikea NISSEDAL mirror #IkeaHack 🙂
1. Measure your mirror
The first thing you will need to do is to measure your mirror, aka your frame base. You will need those measurements to mark your wooden moldings. Take into consideration that you will need to cut the moldings in a 45 degree angle, so make the markings according to that. If you are going to place the outer side of your molding in the edge of your mirror, then you should mark your measurements in the outer side of your molding. If you are going to place the inner side of your molding in the edge of you mirror, then you should mark your measurements in the inner side of your molding. From that marking you will draw, in a 45 degree angle, a diagonal line which will be your cutting guide.
2. Cut your wooden moldings
Now, once your have the markings on your moldings, the next step will be to cut them. You should secure your molding with clamps to your work table in order to cut them more easily (and safely :)), specially if you are using a hand saw (which was my case :)). Once everything is secure, follow the markings to make your cut.
3. Sand the molding edges and your mirror base
Next, you can use your sand paper to sand the molding raw edges and also your mirror base.
4. Spray paint everything
In the color of your choice, spray paint EVERYTHING. Your moldings, your mirror base (tape everything before 🙂 so you can protect your mirror) and your applique’s. I find it easier this way, because once you glue everything together you can comeback and paint just the details.
5. Glue everything in place
Now you are ready to glue everything in place. Start by glueing the moldings; for extra support and also depending on how big your moldings are, you can add some small nails if your mirror base is also wooden material. Then move on to glue the wooden applique’s in place. Once everything is glued on, use your wood putty to fill any gaps, once the putty is dried you can also sand those spots.
6. Spray paint, again 🙂
Next, you can spray paint the putty and glue spots and everything that needs some retouching.
7. Rub’n Buff & Final touches!
The last step! Use your foam brushes to add some Rub’N Buff in your wooden applique’s and molding. This is the perfect final touch and what will give you the metallic illusion. Add as much as you want, until you are happy with the color results.
Now you know exactly how to DIY a french vintage mirror.